Solis BioDyne has been developing and producing life science reagents since 1995. It is one of the leading reagent suppliers in Europe today. High standards for production and service have made Solis BioDyne a trusted trademark worldwide. Our DNA polymerases, PCR Master Mixes, qPCR Mixes and reverse transcription reagents are used by a quickly growing number of customers across the globe, including top research institutes and biotech-companies. Solis BioDyne has partners in both private and state sectors, with cooperation projects ranging from OEM production to scientific research.
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technique to amplify a short sequence of DNA, allowing it to work even in samples containing only minute quantities of DNA. PCR is used to amplify selected sections of DNA across several orders of magnitude. Solis BioDyne offers a complete range of enzymes and master mixes for highly processive, thermostable and robust PCR reactions. Due to Stability TAG technology, our enzymes and master mixes have enhanced stability at ambient temperature with no activity loss up to 1 month. Choose a suitable mix from the list below or from our Product Selection Guide.
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